Aristotle science strikes back

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Aristotle science strikes back Door Mind Map: Aristotle science strikes back

1. " All men by nature desire to know

1.1. He believes that nature does nothing by chance.

1.2. All froms of life have nutritive,reproductive, and locomotive power.

1.2.1. Animals differ by having the power and sensation and perfection.

1.2.2. more complex animals have inteluctual power. Aristotle belives that humans special power called reason, which is the ability to comprehend universes. He does not believe in the world of the forms.

2. Teleological systems

2.1. Material causes- the material from which the thing is made.

2.1.1. Formal cause-the material from which the thing is made. Efficent cause- the actual force used to make things. final causes- what is the ultimate purpose of the thing.

3. The final cause for which humans are created is happiness-Eudaimonia