by Annebelle Choi
1. Biology
1.1. In his Metaphysics, he states that "All men by nature desire to know."
1.1.1. Nature does nothing by chance. We were given senses to use them in order to understand the world.
2. Our Senses
2.1. Every form of life have nutritive, reproductive, and locomotive power.
2.1.1. Animals have the power of sensation andperception, but more complex animals have intellectual power. Humans have a special power called reason: the ability to comprehend universals.
3. Contrast from Plato and Socrates
3.1. He is a practical and scientific thinker.
3.1.1. He does not believe in the world of forms, but thinks that we can understand anything we touch. He created and applied a scientific model to philosophical investigation.
4. Teleological System
4.1. He believed everything has causes.
4.1.1. The four causes: Material, Formal, Efficient, and Final.
5. The Forms
5.1. They lie in the things themselves.
5.1.1. Everything wants to reach it's ultimate goal. You don't reach your goal by chance.