Short film ideas

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Short film ideas by Mind Map: Short film ideas

1. Genre

1.1. Drama

1.1.1. addresses the issue firmly

1.1.2. straight to the point

1.1.3. thought-provoking

1.1.4. possibility of catharsis

1.2. Comedy

1.2.1. eccentric characters

1.2.2. character names

1.2.3. still addressing an underlying issue

1.2.4. lighthearted approach

1.2.5. exaggerated facial expression + movement

1.3. Comedy/drama

1.3.1. comic relief

1.3.2. straight to the point

1.3.3. thought-provoking

1.3.4. juxtaposition of emotions

2. Editing

2.1. colour

2.1.1. warm during success and happines

2.1.2. darker tones for drama

2.1.3. cold during sad scenes

2.1.4. saturated if comedy

2.2. pace

2.2.1. comedy fast paced fade to show passing of time

2.2.2. drama slower development of story less music, more ambient sound

3. Actors

3.1. friends

3.2. drama students

3.3. family

4. Costume

4.1. stereotypes

4.2. eccentric

4.3. abstract/non-naturalistic

5. Themes

5.1. Identity

5.1.1. beliefs

5.1.2. ethnicity

5.1.3. physical appearance

5.1.4. background

5.1.5. political stance

5.2. prejudice

5.2.1. age

5.2.2. gender

5.2.3. race

5.2.4. sexuality

5.2.5. class

5.2.6. disability

5.3. stereotypes and countertypes

5.3.1. young people uncultured antisocial can form meaningful debates educated

5.3.2. adults/elderly stuck in their ways open to changes in the world

6. Location

6.1. Lancaster

6.1.1. cafes

6.1.2. library

6.1.3. banks

6.1.4. restuarants

6.1.5. shops

6.1.6. town centre

6.2. Sixth Form

6.2.1. office

6.2.2. library

6.2.3. classroom

6.2.4. reception

6.2.5. lecture theatre

6.3. Pilling (rural areas)

6.3.1. abandoned house

6.3.2. nature

6.3.3. voyeuristic