LAP Meeting 10.11.2010

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LAP Meeting 10.11.2010 by Mind Map: LAP Meeting 10.11.2010

1. Challenges

1.1. Have six students who need phonemic support

1.2. Robyn is challenged in more than the area

1.3. Third and fourth grade are sharing the intervention time at the same time

1.4. Robyn needs 1:1 according to Sarah

1.5. Does Robyn need something instructionally different than Savanh, Ethan, and Evan?

1.6. The core and the interventions have not been tried yet.

1.7. Rank ordering by one area doesn't work for Title/LAP. Have to rank order in more than one area.

1.8. Filling an "intensive" and "Strategic" group with numbers doesn't always lead to the best results.

2. Solutions

2.1. "Core" Instruction for Skylar, Matthew Savanh, Ethan, Evan, and Robyn for 60 minutes.

2.2. Then, Savanh, Ethan, Evan, and Robyn go to Sarah for 30 minutes and work on the phonics

2.3. Try the "core" to see if they are responding. Then make an adjustment.

2.4. Get a system in place, monitor and adjust

2.5. Look at students in the strategic area. Determine if some students look more like benchmark students, and then focus on the students who still look strategic. Have the more both benchmark "looking" students work with core.

2.6. Look at more than just "intensive" across the board. Look at students who are "intensive" in individual areas.

2.7. Work with students for three weeks of instruction (First week of November), meet again, and rework the bottom of the rank order of all students. Make new groups based on progress monitoring data.

3. Proposal for RTI Time

3.1. A lot of intensive kids in phonics

3.1.1. Want to provide "Core Phonics" Instruction

3.2. Want to take Robyn, Skylar, Matthew, Savanh, Evan

3.3. Work with "Phonic" students and Robyn

3.4. Six intensive kids in "Core" Phonicse

4. RTI Model Now

4.1. 30 minutes Core Instruction

4.2. Intensive get 60 minutes of instruction for Kay, Sarah, or HiCap

4.3. 30 minutes Benchmark and Strategic. Benchmark are doing an extension, and the strategic students are working with the teacher in a strategic area.

5. Final Solution

5.1. Work with students for three weeks of instruction (First week of November), meet again, and rework the bottom of the rank order of all students. Make new groups based on progress monitoring data.