Hercule Poirot Solves It All
by Micah Hall
1. Edward Henry Masterman
1.1. Ratchett's valet
1.2. knew about the drugs that Rachett took to go to sleep
1.3. knew about the letters
1.4. didn't care for Ratchett
2. some of the stab wounds were there after he had died
3. were drugs given to him before the murder?
4. stabbed multiple times with both hands
5. Mary Debenham
5.1. on her way back home from Iraq
5.2. British nanny
5.3. didn't seem surprised about the murder
5.4. knew about the Armstrong case
5.5. doesn't own a scarlet kimono dress
6. Samuel Edward Ratchett
6.1. murdered during the snow drift
6.2. millionare
6.3. offered Poirot lots of money
6.4. has a lot of "enemies"
6.5. killed a little girl
7. Caroline Martha Hubbard
7.1. very loud and dramatic
7.2. was talking about her daughter during the train ride
7.3. was acting very suspicious because of the murder
7.4. said that the murderer was in her compartment
7.5. said that the compartments weren't bolted when she left her room
7.6. found the buttons of the Wagon Lit attendent
8. Hildegarde Schmidt
8.1. denied not knowing anything about the murder
8.2. doesn't own the scarlet kimono
8.3. was with the princess for half an hour
8.4. saw the conductor come out of a compartment
8.5. has never been to America
8.6. knew about the Armstrong case
9. Was there more than one murderer?
10. Princess Dragomiroff
10.1. didn't want to talk to Poirot
10.2. Colonel Armstrong's wife is her god-daughter
11. Antonio Foscarelli
11.1. American and French
11.2. knew about the Armstrong case
11.3. smoke cigarettes
12. Mr. Hardman
12.1. American
12.2. detective
12.3. knew about the Armstrong case
12.4. doesn't smoke a pipe;smokes cigarettes
13. second murderer came in after the first murderer left
14. A women and a man?
15. Hector Willard MacQueen
15.1. works for Ratchett
15.2. knew about the letter
15.3. didn't care about Ratchett's death
15.4. dislikes Ratchett
15.5. denied knowing about replacing the bar of the compartment's bar
16. M. Bouc
16.1. owner of the train
16.2. a friend of Poiort
16.3. helps Poirot with the murder case
17. Wagon Lit Conductor
17.1. conductor of the train
17.2. Frenchman
17.3. claimed that the button wasn't his
18. Greta Ohlsson
18.1. trained nurse
18.2. going on holiday
18.3. did not know about the Armstrong kidnapping case
19. Count and Countess Andrenyi
19.1. had conjoining compartments
19.2. the Count didn't want his wife to talk to Poirot
19.3. Count does not smoke a pipe
20. Colonel Arbuthnot
20.1. British
20.2. talks about Miss Debenham
20.3. was in MacQueen's compartment after the murder
20.4. smokes a pipe
20.5. heard a women walk by his compartment
20.6. knew about the Armstrong case