Why nootropics? Recalibar's guide on what you should be putting in your body.

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Why nootropics? Recalibar's guide on what you should be putting in your body. par Mind Map: Why nootropics? Recalibar's guide on what you should be putting in your body.

1. Depression

1.1. Fish oil

1.2. Saffron

1.3. Zinc

1.4. Creatine

1.5. Rhodiola

1.6. S-Androsyl Methionine

1.7. Ashwagandha

1.8. Vitamin D

2. Anxiety

2.1. Kava

2.2. Ashwagandha

2.3. Inositol

2.4. L-theanine

3. Stress

3.1. Ashwagandha

3.2. Fish oil

3.3. L-tyrosine

3.4. Rhodiola Rosea

4. Cognition

4.1. Rhodiola Rosea

4.2. L-Tyrosine

4.3. Zinc

4.4. L-Carnitine

4.5. Modafinil

4.6. Noopept

4.7. Nicotine

4.8. Creatine

5. Fatigue

5.1. Rhodiola

5.2. Creatine

5.3. Modafinil

5.4. Caffiene

5.5. Ashwagandha

5.6. Citrulline

5.7. Colostrum

6. Subjective well-being

6.1. Rhodiola

6.2. Creatine

6.3. Ashwagandha

6.4. Fish oil

6.5. L-tyrosine

7. Power output

7.1. Caffiene

7.2. Creatine

7.3. Alpha GPC

7.4. Ashwagandha

7.5. Spirulina

8. Motivation

8.1. N-Acetylcysteine

8.2. Ashwagandha

8.3. Modafinil

8.4. Noopept