Problem Based Learning - Challenges that instructional designers should consider when using this ...

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Problem Based Learning - Challenges that instructional designers should consider when using this model by Mind Map: Problem Based Learning - Challenges that instructional designers should consider when using this model

1. PBL works best in small groups where students work on several problems together, so they can experience the benefit of collaborative learning. Will this lesson work with small groups?

2. Is the problem "authentic" and "real world"? Is the problem something that a learner would encounter in a workplace?

3. Does the problem incorporate the four design principles of PBL instruction: holistic, practice-based, ill-structured, and contemporary?

4. The optimal environment for PBL has writing surfaces on all 4 walls, large tables & multiple computers. How will the environment contribute to PBL?

5. How familiar are the students & instructor with PBL?

6. Does the poject include a problem that has not alrady been resolved? (ex. school scores poorly in one department and makes dramatic improvement the following year, thereby making that problem obsolete)

7. Is there enough time and money for the resources needed to implement the lesson?

8. Is the complexity of the problem suitable for the age group and maturity of the learners?

9. Is the problem open-ended? Are there many possible solutions to the problem?

10. Does the problem incorporate multiple disciplines? If so, which ones?

11. PBL requires the instructor to carefully manage the learning process for those students who are unfamiliar with the model. Is the instructor committed to the process?