Mistakes in Dashboard Design

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Mistakes in Dashboard Design por Mind Map: Mistakes in Dashboard Design

1. Source

1.1. Title: Information Dashboard Design

1.2. Subtitle: The Effective Visual Communication of Data

1.3. Author: Stephen Few

1.4. Published: O'Reilly Media, 2006

1.5. Amazon: http://amzn.to/DashboardDesign

1.6. Link to this Map: http://www.mindmeister.com/maps/show/65889653

2. Exceeding boundaries of single screen

2.1. Dashboard Benefit - see everything at once!

2.2. Mistakes

2.2.1. fragmenting dashboards discrete screens that must be navigated different instances of a screen that are accessed through some form of interaction

2.2.2. requiring scrolling

3. Displaying excessive detail or precision

4. Using poorly designed display media

5. Arranging the data poorly

6. Highlighting important data ineffectively or not at all

7. Misusing or overusing color

8. Designing an unattractive visual display

9. Supplying inadequate context for data

10. Choosing inappropriate display media

11. Choosing a deficient measure

12. Introducing meaningless variety

13. Encoding quantitative data inaccurately

14. Cluttering the display with useless decoration