C-3PO Negative Scope

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C-3PO Negative Scope by Mind Map: C-3PO Negative Scope

1. Test Types

1.1. Accessibility

1.1.1. Reason: We believe this is an important test type, but there was no time to focus on it.

2. Devices & OS

2.1. Mobile Platforms different from iOS and Android

2.1.1. Reason: Due to the product owner constraints.

2.2. OS versions older than iOS 7.0 and Andoid 4.1

2.2.1. Reason: Due to the product owner constraints.

2.3. Tablets

2.3.1. Reason: Due to the product owner constraints.

3. Functionalities

3.1. Finish the purchase operation

3.2. Send question

3.3. Prizes

3.4. Qranion Premium

3.5. Achiviment