Conventional Hotel Marketing Tools
by Khaïla Rabiha
1. Prospectus
1.1. + it's veryy beautiful to watch picture on it
1.2. - sometimes, prospectus are excessive, expensive and useless
2. Advertisement in the street
2.1. + the advertising is bigger and we can see more information
2.2. - it's not good for the environement
3. newspapers
3.1. + it's not very cheap and it's for a specific people
3.2. - there are some people who never read newspapers
4. TV
4.1. + beautifully to watch, easily to understand
4.2. - very expensive
5. Radio
5.1. + is cheap and we can target our customer
5.2. - we can't to see the product or the place
6. bus mailing
6.1. + is a marketing technic consister to assemble a lot of announce in a same send
6.2. - sometimes there is no space for assemble everything
7. SMS
7.1. + we can keep the information on it and it's cheap
7.2. - sometimes there are some false advertising