1. Energy, Environment and Climate Change
1.1. Cuts
1.1.1. Overall funding for the Department for Energy and Climate Change will fall by an average five per cent a year from a £3.1bn annual budget
1.1.2. Funding for households to install solar panels and improve energy efficiency have been cut
1.2. Debates
1.2.1. The West should foot the bill for tackling climate change
1.2.2. Major reductions in carbon emissions are not worth the money
2. Education and skills
2.1. Cuts
2.1.1. The Department for Education has avoided the harshest cuts - its budget will fall from £58.4bn this year to £57.2bn by 2014 while the schools budget is actually being increased from £35billion to £39bn a year.
2.1.2. Education is being asked for savings of just one per cent over the four years of the spending review. This includes reductions of a third in the back office administration, the abolition of education quangos and 60 per cent cuts in building works.
2.1.3. The Education Maintenance Allowance – giving teenagers £30 a week to remain in college beyond the age of 16 – will also be scrapped in favour of more “targeted support”.
2.1.4. The Coalition has also pledged a spend £2.5bn on a “pupil premium” to encourage the best schools to admit pupils from poor backgrounds
2.1.5. There will be no graduate tax, but better-off students “will have to pay more”.
2.2. Debates
2.2.1. British universities should be more like the Ivy League
2.2.2. You don't need a good education to lead the good life
2.2.3. Public schools are a blight on British society
2.2.4. Too many people go to university
3. Communities and Local Government
3.1. Cuts
3.1.1. Social housing system will be more flexible and £4.4 billion will be spent on new schemes. The terms for tenants and their rent levels will remain but new tenants will be offered 80 per cent of the market rate while 150,000 new affordable homes are planned over next four years.
3.1.2. Cuts of 7.1 per cent a year by the end of the Spending Review period.
3.1.3. An extra £650million will be provided to allow councils to freeze council tax in the 12 months from April 2011.
3.2. Debates
4. International Development
4.1. Cuts
4.1.1. The Department for International Development budget will rise to £11.5 billion in 2014/5 from £7.3 billion this year.
4.1.2. The department has been ringfenced from cuts as a result of the Coalition agreement to increase the amount of spending on overseas aid to 0.7 per cent of GNP by 2013.
4.2. Debates
4.2.1. Foreign aid does more harm than good
4.2.2. The best thing we can do for Africa is leave it alone
5. Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales
5.1. Cuts
5.1.1. Central funding for Wales will be reduced by 7.5 per cent. Scotland’s block grant will fall by 6.8 per cent in four years and Northern Ireland’s funding will decline by 6.9 per cent.
5.2. Debates
5.2.1. Let's get rid of Scotland
6. Total Spending Cuts
6.1. Cuts
6.1.1. Expenditure will be £651 billion in 2011/12, rising to £665 billion in the following year, to £679 billion in 2013/14 and £693 billion in 2014/15.
6.1.2. Public spending will total £702 billion next year, £713 billion in 2013 and £740 billion by 2014/15, which in real terms is the same level as 2008.
6.1.3. Overall public sector workforce will be reduced by 490,000 by 2014/15.
6.1.4. Total Government spending will be cut by 19 per cent over four years.
6.2. Debates
6.2.1. Deficit Hawks deserve a punch in the kisser
6.2.2. Crisis and Recovery - Ethics, Economics and Justice
6.2.3. Fairness is meaningless
6.2.4. We need deep public spending cuts now
6.2.5. Happiness lies in making do with less
7. The Queen and the Civil List
7.1. Cuts
7.1.1. The Queen has agreed to a one year cash freeze in the Civil List for next year and to cut Royal Household spending by 14 per cent in 2012-13 while grants to the Household will be frozen in cash terms.
7.1.2. A one-off payment of £1 million will be given over to support Diamond Jubilee celebrations. Afterwards, the Royal Household will receive a new sovereign support grant which will be linked to a portion of the revenue of the Crown Estate.
7.2. Debates
7.2.1. The House of Windsor
8. Defence
8.1. Cuts
8.1.1. The MoD's budget has been cut £4 billion to £33.5 billion, by retiring the £3.6 billion Nimrod reconnaissance aircraft, the Aircraft carrier Ark Royal, the Navy’s Harrier force, and the £1 billion Astor-Sentinel surveillance aircraft.
8.1.2. 600 tanks, armoured vehicles and artillery and four frigates and destroyers will be retired, and five Army headquarters will be closed.
8.1.3. The Armed Forces will lose 7,000 soldiers, 5,000 sailors, 5,000 airmen. MoD civilian employee numbers will be reduced by 25,000.
8.2. Debates
8.2.1. Trident
8.2.2. Britain still matters
9. Home Office
9.1. Cuts
9.1.1. The Home Office's budget will fall by six per cent a year from £10.2 billion this year to £8.3 billion in 2014-15 .
9.1.2. The UK Border Agency (UKBA) will have to find 20 per cent savings, while the Home Office’s administration costs will tumble by 33 per cent.
9.1.3. Police spending will fall by 4% each year of the spending settlement
9.2. Debates
9.2.1. Prison works
9.2.2. Civil liberties threats
10. Transport
10.1. Cuts
10.1.1. The Department for Transport will have an annual budget of £13.6bn - down from £15.9bn
10.1.2. A total of £30 billion is to be invested in transport projects over the next four years, including £14 billion to fund maintenance and investment in railways.
10.1.3. The Tube will continue its upgrade and Crossrail will go ahead.
10.1.4. A rise in the cap on regulated rail fares to 3 per cent above RPI inflation from 2012 will come in to pay for new rolling stock and improved passenger conditions.
10.2. Debates
11. Science, Innovation and Business
11.1. Cuts
11.1.1. Annual savings of 7.1 per cent will be found from the overall budget including a drop in administration costs of £400 million
11.1.2. Science funding will be frozen at £4.6bn but dozens of quangos will be cut.
11.1.3. Programmes including Train to Gain will be abolished.
11.2. Debates
11.2.1. Laissez faire capitalism
12. Culture, Media and Sport
12.1. Cuts
12.1.1. The BBC licence fee will be frozen for six years and the corporation will take responsibility for funding the BBC World Service, previously funded by Foreign Office handouts. It will also fund BBC Monitor and part-fund the Welsh-language service S4C. Together, this will save the Treasury £340 million a year.
12.1.2. Nineteen quangos will be abolished or reformed.
12.1.3. The DCMS budget will come down to £1.1bn by 2014/15 from a current total of £1.7bn in 2010/11
12.2. Debates
12.2.1. Hands off the BBC – our last great public institution
13. Justice
13.1. Cuts
13.1.1. Plans for a new 1,500-capacity prison have been scrapped and there are expected to be 3,000 fewer prison places by 2015.
13.1.2. A relocation of 1,000 posts out of London by 2015 will provide savings of £41 million by 2015
13.1.3. Around 14,000 jobs are likely to go, including 11,000 frontline posts.
13.1.4. Controversial changes on the way criminals are sentenced, including early guilty plea discounts, as well as cuts in the use of remand are predicted to cut the current prison population by 3,000 to just over 82,000 by 2014.
13.1.5. The legal aid bill will be reviewed and reduced
13.1.6. 103 magistrates' courts and 54 county courts could be closed to save £15.3 million a year.
13.1.7. The Ministry of Justice is hit with cuts of 23 per cent and will have to find savings of £1.6 billion over the next four years as it
13.2. Debates
14. Health
14.1. Cuts
14.1.1. Spending will reach £114 billion by 2014/15, up from £104 billion this year. New hospital schemes will be funded, a new cancer drug fund will be set up, and more money will be given over to dementia research.
14.1.2. £1bn will be diverted from the NHS to social care to help cut emergency readmissions to hospitals.
14.1.3. One to one nursing care for cancer patients and a pledge under the previous government to have cancer tests conducted within one week will also be postponed.
14.1.4. The number of quangos will be cut from 18 to 10 by 2014 and the administration costs will be reduced by a third.
14.1.5. The NHS has been given an increase in funding but this is less than half a per cent over four years
14.2. Debates
14.2.1. The NHS is broken. It needs reinventing
15. Work and Pensions
15.1. Cuts
15.1.1. The state pension age will be increased to 66 for both men and women by 2020, estimated to save £5 billion. The maximum Savings Credit award in Pension Credit will be frozen for four years.
15.1.2. Public service workers will have to contribute more to their pensions, with exact figures to be announced in the spring. The current deal would cost the taxpayer £3 billion by 2015-16. New pension reforms would save £1.8 billion per year by 2014/15.
15.1.3. Winter fuel allowances will remain unchanged and the temporary top up for the over 80s, which is £100 and the over 60s, which is £50, which become permanent. For pensioners, free eye tests, free bus passes, free TV licences for the over 75s will continue.
15.1.4. Final salary schemes for MPs will end.
15.2. Debates
15.2.1. Retirement should become a thing of the past
16. Central Government
16.1. Cuts
16.1.1. Whitehall to deliver £6 billion in spending cuts, double the £3 billion initially promised. The Treasury is to cut spending by 33 per cent.
16.1.2. The Cabinet Office will partially move into the Treasury’s office and its current budget of £2.6 billion will be reduced by £55 million by 2014/15.
16.2. Debates
17. Foreign Office
17.1. Cuts
17.1.1. The proportion of the UK's development spending controlled by the Foreign Office will rise sharply, so DfID will cover a greater proportion of the £696 million that the FCO spends on conflict prevention and peace keeping activities.
17.1.2. The department has an annual budget of £1.6 billion and has had to agree to cuts of 24 per cent to £1.3 billion in 2014/5
17.1.3. These savings will be made by a sharp reduction in the number of Whitehall-based diplomats
17.2. Debates
17.2.1. Attention World! Britain still matters
18. Welfare and The Family
18.1. Cuts
18.1.1. The Government claims today’s cuts will save £7 billion a year.
18.1.2. Couples with children will only be eligible for Working Tax Credit if they work 24 hours a week between them. The childcare element will return to 70 per cent. The child element of the Child Tax Credit will increase by £30 in 2011-12 and £50 in 2012-13 above indexation, reaching four million lower income families.
18.1.3. The age threshold for the shared room rate in housing benefit will be increased from 25 to 35.
18.1.4. The budget for Council Tax benefit will be reduced by ten per cent from April 2013.
18.1.5. The Disabled Living Allowance will be kept in place.
18.1.6. Working age benefits and tax credits are to be replaced by one universal credit, with £2 billion set aside. A new Work Programme will be launched today to get more people into employment.
18.1.7. Child benefits payments will be removed from higher rate tax payers, saving £2.5 billion a year.
18.2. Debates
18.2.1. Tax the rich more