A Moment

Each moment unfolds along the line of time, moving faster than our thoughts.

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A Moment by Mind Map: A Moment

1. <<<<< Time >>>>>

2. Daily Life

2.1. Past Memories

2.2. Constructing Each Moment

2.3. Future Outlook

3. The Past

3.1. Memories

3.1.1. This Happened

3.1.2. That Happened

3.2. Assumptions

3.2.1. They Should - They Are

3.2.2. I Should - I Am

3.3. Emotions

3.3.1. Fear

3.3.2. Happiness

3.3.3. Craving

3.4. Constructs - Maps Always Building

4. The Future

4.1. Dreams

4.2. Wishes

4.3. Hopes

4.4. Construct - Maps Always Building

5. >>>>>Time >>>>>

6. Mindfulness

6.1. Our Thoughts

6.2. Observing - Watching

6.3. Our Experiences

7. Shinny Objects

8. Shinny Objects