NyMaS Symposium Viral Marketing 20 October 2010 Marco de Boer (Artmiks / Hallo)

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NyMaS Symposium Viral Marketing 20 October 2010 Marco de Boer (Artmiks / Hallo) by Mind Map: NyMaS Symposium Viral Marketing 20 October 2010 Marco de Boer (Artmiks / Hallo)

1. change

1.1. what is changing

1.1.1. only 14% trust ads

1.1.2. only 18 % tv ads are pos

1.1.3. 69% interested in ad blocking

1.2. advertising is shifting

1.2.1. word of mouth

1.2.2. change broadcast to conversation

1.2.3. the conversation values your campaign

1.2.4. wassup (budweiser)

1.3. relevant

1.3.1. people share to benefit recognized get credits honour

1.3.2. viral word of mouth effective people trust friends

1.3.3. socialmedia

1.3.4. endless amount of platforms fast easy relevant

1.4. social Media is the engine of viral marketing

1.4.1. see Wikipedia

1.4.2. almost no cost

1.4.3. cheap way to reach alot of people

2. the basics

2.1. 1. give a reason to talk

2.1.1. example: chatroulette Piano guy

2.2. 2. exploit common motivation and behavioural skils

2.2.1. recognize

2.2.2. amazing

2.2.3. surprise

2.2.4. humor

2.2.5. competition

2.2.6. example jet blue: Ground rules whopper Virgin whopper Sacrifice

2.3. 3. provide a system for effortless transfer to others

2.3.1. Example: Take me out by Atomic Tom (live on NYC subway)

2.4. 4. use existing platforms

2.4.1. alot is already embedded

3. See all links

4. bio

4.1. Creative Director Artmiks

4.2. Hallo Academie

5. dare to change, Make it different

6. marketing

6.1. 59 seconds

6.2. how large is your network?

6.3. hit the populair guy

7. sociale media

7.1. people meeting online

7.2. sharing things

7.3. you have to do social media

8. internet

8.1. 1.0: broadcast scene

8.1.1. sending

8.2. 2.0: connection

8.2.1. connecting

8.3. 3.0 semantic

8.3.1. tomorrow

8.3.2. computer provides answers

8.3.3. google: rose answer: do you want a red rose?

8.4. twitter

8.4.1. 5 mln messages a day

8.4.2. why? connect update status looking for news work related

8.4.3. if services is bad, please tweet about it