Youtube Analysis

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Youtube Analysis by Mind Map: Youtube Analysis

1. Multi-browser functionality

1.1. A few years ago Youtube was bought by the main web browser: Google. Users can find it on this site, also Yahoo and Bing.

2. Simple Graphics

2.1. Youtube uses advertising on their videos that users cannot control, nevertheless this is one of the ways that the page obtains money.

3. Legible Text

3.1. Their format for the text is legible for the user.

4. Description

4.1. Youtube is a video sharing website.

5. Functionality

5.1. Youtube loads quickly, it performs right when a person wants to see a video from an specific topic.

6. Informational

6.1. The site has links with 3 options to find videos; Trends, Liked Videos and new videos from the subscription to youtube channels.

6.2. It also has bottoms for the users to see their profiles an their watched videos.

6.3. At the bottom of the page, you can see information about he company; their coy right, developers of the page, etc.

7. Ease on Use

7.1. The site has a navigation scheme quite understandable. At the left of the page users can see their subscriptions and the pages they liked, on the right (bigger size) users can see random and popular videos linked with their preferences and tastes.

8. Redundant navigation

8.1. Youtube does not have redundant navigation. One thing that makes the page likeable to the user is that it can show videos to their preferences and tastes.

9. Ease of purchase

9.1. Youtube is a free page, the way it obtains their money is by advertising in another page called Adds on Google.