Laputa: Castle in the Sky

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Laputa: Castle in the Sky por Mind Map: Laputa: Castle in the Sky

1. Ordinary World: Pazu lives in Slag Revine, which is a miner's town. He works as a mine operator's assistant

2. Call to Action: After escaping her captors, lead by a man named Muska, Sheeta jumps off an exploding airship and floats down from the sky. Pazu catches her and is immediately intrigued and loyal to Sheeta.

3. Meeting the Mentor: Sheeta wears a necklace who's stone has magical powers. While running away from her captors as well as a pirate gang (lead by a woman named Dola), Pazu and Sheeta escape through an abandoned mine. There they meet Pazu's Uncle Pom who teaches them the history and the power of Sheeta's family stone. He tells them it is of those who are from Laputa. A flying castle in the sky.

4. Refusal of Call: Muska catches up to Sheeta and Pazu. He takes Pazu as prisoner and confines Sheeta to her room. Sheeta makes a deal with Muska to ensure Pazu's safety. Pazu is set free and sent home under the impression that Sheeta doesn't need him.

5. Test, Allies, and Enemies: Dola informs Pazu that he has been tricked. Pazu allies with them and rescues Sheeta from Muska.

6. Crossing the Threshold: Pazu, Sheeta, and Dola’s gang all arrive at Laputa. They figure out why all the humans have left due to respect to nature and that the new function of the robots is to take care of it until they all lose power.

7. Approach to Inmost Cave: Muska recaptures Sheeta, turns on his army, and retreats deep into the castle of Laputa where he attempts to rule over the world using the robots through the power of the stone and spells. Pazu finds his way in.

8. Supreme Ordeal: Pazu and Sheeta recite the destruction spell. Miraculously, he and Sheeta are unharmed when the castle explodes and are picked up by Dola’s gangs who were set themselves free previously with the help of Pazu (he gave them a knife to untie themselves)

9. Reward: The tree and surrounding nature of Laputa drifts up and into the Earth’s atmosphere. It’s potentially harmful technology is out of bad hands

10. Road Back, Resurrection, and Return with the Elixir: Pazu and Sheeta ride along with Dola's gang and start a new life together.