Decorative Interlayer Options

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Decorative Interlayer Options by Mind Map: Decorative Interlayer Options

1. DuPont SentryGlas Expressions

1.1. Cons

1.1.1. Image not as Vivid as ViewCol

1.1.2. Outsourced to Europe

1.2. Pros

1.2.1. Price seems to be cheaper than ViewCol

1.2.2. interlayer meets safety glass code requirements.

1.2.3. Image is the Interlayer

1.2.4. Official printed PVB Interlayer

1.2.5. Can get proofs in a couple of days

1.3. Misc Info

1.3.1. Sizes Minimum: 12" x 12" Maximum: 60" x 100"

2. Printable Clear Vinyl

2.1. More Info needed

2.2. image not nearly as vivid

2.3. Not officially compatible with pvb

2.4. Can be done in house

3. Sun Innovations

3.1. Developing an Ink to print on PVB

3.2. No other Information

4. New node

5. ViewCol

5.1. Cons

5.1.1. Lead time could be a problem

5.1.2. Price- Rep said they are higher than competition

5.1.3. Outsourced to Australia

5.1.4. Image is on separate Film

5.2. Pros

5.2.1. When laminated meets AS2208, EN1234-5 standard for laminated safety glass

5.2.2. Best Quality Images

5.2.3. Good Laminating properties

5.2.4. Compatible with PVB

5.3. Misc Info

5.3.1. ViewCol Insert thickness 0.125mm

5.3.2. Sizes 55 inches max in both portrait and landscape

5.3.3. Two types Premium 8000 Image 4000

6. EVAglass

6.1. SouthAmerica

6.2. Not PVB but a rubber substance

6.3. Developed themselves