E-Learning Game Based Tools

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E-Learning Game Based Tools by Mind Map: E-Learning Game Based Tools

1. e-Adveture

1.1. Java enviroment

1.2. Game based e-learning

1.3. fun games -easy learn

2. Power point games

2.1. Power point

2.2. Easy to create

3. Adobe Flash

3.1. Games for e-learning

3.2. Flash player

3.3. Interactive enviroment

3.4. Cartoons and skaches for easy learning

4. E-learning-templates

4.1. Alredy finished temlates

4.2. Graet for using for any purpose

4.3. Easy games to make

5. Raptivity

5.1. For e-learning professionals

5.2. For presenters

5.3. For web designers