Associated Youth Services of Peel (AYSP)
by Canine Cuties
1. How does the agency address equity, inclusion, and awareness of cultural diversity?
1.1. AYSP offers a wide variety of programs that service youth and their families. They even offer walk-in counselling that is free to children and youth (under 18). There are no questions about race, sexual orientation, gender, economic status, or religion. All youth and their families are welcome to take advantage of the services they offer. I’ve even noticed on their website that they have a great range of diversity in their pictures. This may be a small point, but that sort of attention to detail goes a long way to welcome people from all walks of life. They specifically work under an equity-based framework. In their guide for referring documents, it is stated that “we work hard to engage all children, youth, and families in a manner which is culturally sensitive, non-judgemental, and respectful”.
2. What services/program for Ontario students and their families are offered?
2.1. Child and Youth Programs – dialectical behaviour therapy program, reaching adolescents in need, recognizing individual success and excellence, section 23 classroom, transitional aged youth outreach, transitions program, youth beyond barriers (LGBT)
2.2. Justice Programs – attendance centre, community service order program, extrajudicial measures, extrajudicial sanctions, enhanced extrajudicial sanctions, youth justice committee, youth mental health court worker
2.3. Groups – group services program, incredible years
2.4. Family programs – Adolescent team, brief therapy counselling program, challenges, family connections, multisystemic therapy program, parent adolescent counselling program, working together with families (0-6)
3. Other
3.1. Acknowledging that AYSP is not an agency specializing in students with special needs, it does offer programs that any student may need throughout their adolescence. Mental health is a huge issue for so many students and this agency seems to be strong in supporting the needs of students that have mental health issues.
4. What are the vision and goals of the agency?
4.1. Vision: AYSP will be recognized and valued as a pivotal leader in improving the lives of children and youth dealing with mental health and justice issues within an equity-based framework.
4.2. Mission: AYSP is a dynamic team of optimistic and compassionate professionals and volunteers dedicated to helping children, youth and families manage mental health and/or justice issues in order to realize their potential and encourage their contribution to community.
5. How are services/programs accessed?
5.1. Access to these programs/groups can be done through a number of avenues. Many of the programs can be accessed by a walk-in basis. However, access can also be done through referral by Children’s Aid, mental Health Services for Children and Youth, internal transfers, Peel crisis capacity network, school support staff team referrals, professional student services personnel staff, community agencies, hospital, youth justice services, public health, community health centres, crisis/distress services, Ontario Court of Justice, and Peel and Dufferin-Peel school boards.