The Witness

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The Witness by Mind Map: The Witness

1. When ?

1.1. 1992 ?

1.2. The end of 20th century

2. What ?

2.1. Dillon refuseat ther trial

2.2. Dillon dies

2.3. Norton phone Dillon

3. Where ?

3.1. EIRE


3.2.1. Mr.Dillon house

4. Who ?

4.1. Norton

4.1.1. inspector

4.2. Dillon

4.3. The meter man

4.3.1. red -haired

4.3.2. IRA menber

4.4. Two men

4.4.1. young

4.4.2. T-shirts,sneakers,jeans

4.4.3. IRA menbers

5. Why ?

5.1. Political reason

5.2. saw the face of his captor