Problem: "One of the students does not want to participate in collaborative tasks.

Plan your website and create the next important tasks for get your project rolling

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Problem: "One of the students does not want to participate in collaborative tasks. par Mind Map: Problem: "One of the students does not want to participate in collaborative tasks.

1. Schedule a meeting with the ones that are involved in the problem .

1.1. Student

1.2. Parents

1.3. Princiipal

2. Solution # 3: Establish goals and objectives using strategies according to Ss likes and needs.

2.1. Sell your own products

2.2. Sell your own services

2.3. Grow your visibility

2.4. Sell third party products

2.5. Create membership site

3. Solution #2: Look for some motivational activities that make students become committed.

3.1. Alternative assessment

3.2. Differentiated instruction

3.3. Content Based learning

4. Solution # 1: Offer some orientation to Ss with the help of experts.

4.1. Psychology

4.2. Personality