by Coen Meerbeek

1. Selling themes
1.1. What differentiates yourself
1.2. Features & customizability
1.3. Avoiding code bloat
1.4. Scalability
2. Support
2.1. Your #1 ingrediënt to success
2.2. Automate as much as possible
2.3. Support policy & limitations
2.4. Forum / ticketing system vs email
2.5. Bug fixing, changelogs & theme updates
3. Your reputation
4. The free spirit of wordpress
5. Business models
5.1. Services
5.1.1. Custom design
5.1.2. Custom devlopment
5.2. Products
5.2.1. Free themes / plugins as marketing
5.2.2. Free themes / plugins with paid addons
5.2.3. Free themes / plugins with Ads
5.2.4. Free download with paid support & updates
5.2.5. Paid download, support & updates
5.2.6. Integrated web app / 3rd party service ( VaultPress)