#EugeneTech admin

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#EugeneTech admin by Mind Map: #EugeneTech admin

1. Community

1.1. Slack

1.2. Events

1.2.1. #TechTuesday

2. People

2.1. switchboard mods

2.1.1. Mark

2.1.2. Jessica

2.1.3. Otto

2.1.4. Kiki

2.1.5. Rick

2.2. Facebook Admins

2.2.1. Jessica

2.2.2. Mark

3. Longer Term Goals

3.1. #EugeneTech Blog

3.2. Develop funding plan for #EugeneTech Community

3.2.1. Patrean

3.2.2. BarnLight events

3.3. Explore how #Eugenetech and Silicon Shire can collaborate and dovetail efforts. (including Internships)

3.4. Use Twitter and FB connections to cross-pollinate the switchboard

3.5. Help Community Partners up their Social media presence (Social Media Health Check)

3.6. Make a Social Media CookBook for #EugeneTech community members

4. Short Term Goals (finished by 06/16)

4.1. Develop Internship Admin Program

4.1.1. Contact Lcc/U of O

4.1.2. Write Internship CookBook

4.2. Create cohesive look for FB and Twitter

4.2.1. Populate descriptions and direct them both back to the #EugeneTech switchboard for information

4.2.2. Take or acquire vibrant downtown pictures for cover shots (During the May Party?)

5. discovery

5.1. switchboard

6. Sharing

6.1. #EugeneTech blog

6.1.1. Interested Parties Travel Lane County Innovate Oregon? Silicon Shire? Various Co-working Places? U of O Journalism school (Shan anderson?)

6.2. Facebook

6.2.1. FB events

6.2.2. FB Live Video

6.2.3. Switchboard posts

6.2.4. Sharing FB community posts

6.3. Twitter

6.4. eugenetech.org

6.5. Periscope?

6.6. #EugeneTech podcast

6.6.1. Archives

6.6.2. Future Episode production

6.7. Switchboard

6.7.1. The Week in #EugeneTech

7. Management Tools

7.1. Archives

7.1.1. OneNote

7.2. Chat

7.2.1. Slack

7.2.2. Slack-plan

7.3. todos

7.3.1. wunderlist

7.4. Site Traffic

7.4.1. Switchboard Analytics

7.4.2. Facebook engagement

7.4.3. Google Analytics

8. Switchboard Marketing

8.1. Community partnerships

8.1.1. TAO

8.1.2. KLCC?

8.1.3. Silicon Shire

8.1.4. Innovate Oregon

8.1.5. Chamber of Commerce

8.1.6. Co-Working Sites

8.2. Invite established #EugeneTech community to invite the potentially interested parties in their networks (slack, fb, twitter)