LGBT Marriage Equality

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LGBT Marriage Equality by Mind Map: LGBT Marriage Equality

1. Introduction

1.1. Opening Statement- Gay marriage has been a controversial idea for hundreds of years and has struggled for acceptance from the mass of society. Especially with the development of the internet where issues are plat formed in both negative and positive ways; same sex marriage internet coverage has been quite positive. Internet media helped tremendously with the acceptance of same sex marriage.

1.2. Importance to the topic- a. Individuals should be properly educated on how internet coverage and superior individuals controls our feelings towards a topic; such as, outlook on gay marriage. b. General society should understand our country practices freedom of expression for all and accepting our own feelings vs. how internet coverage wants the mass to feel towards a subject.

1.3. Preview of the points to be made about the topic Social media internet coverage has given a more positive perspective to gay marriage from well respected individuals. Internet articles have given a great deal of negative commentary on gay marriage after the consideration of legalization. An outlet for providing national information regarding same sex marriage has been through the use of the internet.

1.4. Overall, internet coverage has been an effective way to inform the mass of the people and the use of the internet has been a way to enforce the acceptance of same-sex marriage.

1.5. Intro done by Nancy McCully

2. Body

2.1. During the Supreme Court vote in 2015 for legalization of same sex marriages in all 50 states, there was positive and negative internet feedback towards the decision.-Lauren

2.1.1. showed many tweets from celebrities that were praising the decision for gay rights. Tweets ranged from Chelsea Clinton to Justin Timberlake, all in favor of the Supreme Court's vote. This sort of mass internet reaction from people with big followers can cause a huge influence on how people view same sex marriage. The issue was a national one for everyone in the country because of its role in the national presidential election. The Agenda-Setting Function of National Versus Local Media: A Time-Series Analysis for the Issue of Same-Sex Marriage

2.2. The way the internet has illustrated marriage equality before the U.S. allowed same sex marriage.

2.2.1. Of course, there have also been negative comments towards the vote for LGBT marriage equality. One commenter on stated, "I don't support gay marriage for the same reason I don't support abortion. Both are wrong in God's eyes and I won't support that."

2.3. Same sex marriage has been a progressive topic all around the world and the internet has been a very informative tool to show this. -Sal Ramos.

2.3.1. The internet has been very informative tool for LGBT communities. In "Social Media and LGBT Communities" a case study shows how different countries have used the internet to give a voice to those who are not accepted in society because of their marriage equality."Savage and Miller used YouTube to post an eight minute video describing Savage’s own struggles as a gay man and how he overcame harassment and unacceptance". U.S, Russia,Egypt are countries that the article studied and show how LGBT communities have progressed through the use of internet.

2.3.2. In article "Gays the internet and Freedom" Fernando A. Ausrtia writes about "The Internet and Empowerment"- "As the shift from the oral to the written word has changed the ways humans think, the onset of this second orality transforms not only the way we think and communicate but also our relationships and our views of communities." file:///C:/Users/sinig/Downloads/2007%2001%20Austria(1).pdf

2.3.3. "Searching for a Mate: The Rise of the Internet as a Social Intermediary" was research done they analyze how through out many years more percentage of LGBT partners meet online. The percentage of LGBT couples meeting through family,friends,work has declined. "the Internet also has dramatically improved the efficiency of searching for and finding new people outside of one’s pre-existing social network, which the telephone never did."

3. Conclusion

3.1. Concluding argument- Internet information has had the ability to influence the emotions of individual and mass users regarding LGBT marriage equality.

3.1.1. There has been countless examples of the influence the internet has had on marriage equality including articles that are for and against the cause. "As Pew Research has shown, 63 percent of Millennials support same-sex marriage, while 30 percent of people born between 1928 and 1945 support it." With higher numbers of millennials using the internet, it is hard to deny that they have had much more exposure to same sex marriage internet information than the older generations that use the internet less. Sharing Our Way Toward Equality:

3.1.2. Anyone using the internet should know how the internet and superior individuals can have such a big influence on the way society views certain topics, especially LGBT marriage. A. This idea is important for individuals because for all causes and issues in the future, not just marriage quality, we now know the power the internet has to reach our goals and share our beliefs and plans. B. The internet having such a large impact on other helps society come together, whether you're near or far, the internet gives everyone a voice and a chance to be heard.

3.1.3. Closing Statement: There is no doubt that the World Wide Web is an amazing entity in itself, but now we find that the power it has in our lives is far more amazing than the invention itself.