Final project career interest: Addiction Counseling For my finally project I will be discussing ...

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Final project career interest: Addiction Counseling For my finally project I will be discussing addiction counseling along with the various methods, types of counseling, degree requirements, and the desperate need for counselors. by Mind Map: Final project career interest:  Addiction Counseling For my finally project I will be discussing addiction counseling along with the various methods, types of counseling, degree requirements, and the desperate need for counselors.

1. What are some different types of counselors in the field?

1.1. Mental Health therapist

1.2. Substance Abuse therapist

1.3. Holistic therapists (alternative methods)

2. What type of degree is required and what type of certifications are needed?

2.1. Bachelors degree? (majors?)

2.2. PhD

2.3. Certificate in addiction studies

3. How much are Counselors needed?

3.1. Currently addiction counselors are in a shortage

3.2. Substance abuse counselors have a high burn out rate. Roughly 1 in 4 choses to leave the job annually...why?

4. What are some types of Counseling methods?

4.1. In patient rehab facilities

4.2. Holistic approaches such as yoga, meditation,

4.3. 12 step program or humanistic approach

4.4. Cognitive Behavior therapy