"The Lion King"

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"The Lion King" por Mind Map: "The Lion King"

1. There are many reasons to analyze literary works such as “The Lion King”. One such reason is to draw similarities between it and other works from the past in order to catch important comparisons between stories. For example, “The Lion King is very similar to “Hamlet” written by Shakespeare. This comparison is important because it shows how literature can influence writers in the future. Shakespeare clearly influenced Mecchi, Woolverton and Roberts, although they did have to make some changes to their story. “Hamlet” was a very dark play about betrayal and revenge, and an excess of death. “The Lion King” is a movie meant for children and families, so some of these aspects had to be watered down. For example, there is still betrayal and revenge, but the only death in the story is the antagonist, and it isn’t even shown. Also, in order to lighten the mood, there are multitudes of musical numbers that make the movie more family friendly. Also, in “Hamlet”, the main character dies after seeking his revenge, while in “The Lion King”, order is restored and all is good throughout the land without death. Drawing these comparisons is extremely important to literature because it helps to see how writers get their inspiration. It is also important because it shows how even dark stories can be turned into family movies through the changing of a few aspects. Another reason analyzing different types of literature is important is because it allows for an understanding of different cultures and time periods. Often times, different themes will appear in different time periods. For example, in WWII times, often times literature would reflect pain, suffering, and war, while during the industrial revolution works might reflect hope towards the future. By analyzing these different works it would be possible to see how the people of the time thought and lived.

2. The title “The Lion King” provides great inside about the movie and shows the central topic of the film. From this title it is clear, without watching, that the movie is, in some way or another, about a king of some land. Although it is obvious after watching the first couple minutes that the king is in fact a lion, that is not clear from the title, since the adjective could have been describing King Richard, who was knows as the lion hearted. Also, from watching the movie it becomes clear that the title indicates Simba is the Lion king and that he just has to take his rightful place on the throne. The problem is that Simba doesn’t want to be the king because he believes that he is unwanted and unfit to be the ruler. It is up to his love, Nala, to convince him that he is the true king: “You’re the king…It’s your responsibility” (Mecchi, Woolverton, & Roberts Sc. 20). Eventually, Simba is convinced that he is the true king, and he returns to Pride Rock to take his spot back from his Uncle, Scar. After a battle with him, Simba is able to defeat him and the Hyena’s, and take his place as the king. This ends the Movie, as Simba is now “The Lion King”. This links the title to the theme of the movie, as it shows that the title represents the theme directly. The whole point of the movie was that Simba takes his place as the true king, “The Lion King”, and all problems are resolved.

3. SLO #1, 3

4. What is The Importance of Analyzing Different Types of Literature?

5. SLO's #2, 4

6. Simba’s motivation changes through the movie several times. At the start, when he is only a cub, he is motivated by his curiosity and his desire to be just like his father. When his father dies Simba loses all will to live because he believes he is the reason that his dad died. His will is rejuvenated when he meets Timon and Pumba, two outcasts from their own worlds, teach him to live in the moment with no worries, or “Hakuna Matata” (Mecchi, Woolverton, & Roberts Sc. 15). After years of this life, Simba is reunited with his long lost friend, Nala, who tells him that the Pridelands have been ruined: “Everything’s destroyed. There’s no food. No water.” (Sc. 20). This changes Simba’s motivation to saving his homeland from Scar’s tyranny.

7. There are many important characters in the movie “The Lion King”, each of which have unique characteristics. The protagonist of the story was Simba, a young Lion that s the son of the king of the Pridelands. The story follows his story as he deals with his problems, including the thought that he is the reason his father died. Simba is a young, rambunctious, and overly curious boy who often gets himself into troublesome situations. His Uncle, Scar, who is also the antagonist, plays on Simba’s Curiosity in order to get rid of him so that he can become the next king of Pride Rock. Mufasa is Simba’s dad and the king of the Pridelands. He attempts to lead Simba down the right path of life so that one day he will make a fit King. Nala is Simba’s best friend as a child, and also his wife at the end of the movie. Timon and Pumba are Simba’s best friends that get him through his most troubled times in the story and raise him after his father’s death. Some of the minor characters in the movie are the Hyenas that Scar uses in his grand scheme to take the throne.

8. Most of the conflict in the movie arises from Simba’s internal conflict about being the reason for his father’s death. Scar plays on this conflict by suggesting that everyone would hate him for what he has done, and ends up convincing Simba to run away. Simba struggles with this throughout the rest of his life, until he returns to the Pridelands and confronts Scar, who admits that he killed Simba’s father: “And here’s my little secret: I killed Mufasa” (Mecchi, Woolverton, & Roberts Sc. 26). With this, Simba’s internal conflict is resolved, and his external conflict with Scar begins as they fight it out for Pride Rock.

9. (These are all the same Letter)