1. Post Lesson
1.1. Test Preparation
1.2. Student Lead Reflections
1.3. Grading and Criteria
1.4. Wrap Up
2. During the Lesson
2.1. Quizzes/Study guides
2.2. Repetition/ Memorization
2.3. Check Students Understanding
2.4. Group Work
2.5. Quiz Games
3. Pre Lesson
3.1. Introduce new lesson
3.2. Survey, Pre-Test
3.3. Student Led Surveys
4. Learning Activities
4.1. Individual Work
4.1.1. Presentation
4.1.2. Surveys/Graph
4.1.3. Advertisement
4.1.4. Assessment
4.2. Group Work
4.2.1. Interviews
4.2.2. Project
4.2.3. Presentation
4.2.4. Assessment
4.3. Class Work
4.3.1. Discussion
4.3.2. Questionnaire
4.3.3. Assessment
4.3.4. Presentation
5. Assessments
6. Healthy Eating
7. Common Core Alignment
7.1. Math: 2.MD, 3.MD Measurement and Data
8. Teacher Roles
8.1. 1. Instructional Specialist
8.1.1. ideas for differentiating instruction
8.1.2. planning lessons in partnership with fellow teacher
8.1.3. study research-based classroom strategies
8.1.4. Choice of activity
8.1.5. explore which instructional methodologies are appropriate for the school
8.1.6. what is preiz new kinds of visualizations opportunities to link imagery to motion creates a deeper understanding retention duration
8.2. Maintaining a passive influence
8.3. 2. Resource Provider
8.3.1. Websites
8.3.2. readings instructional materials
8.3.3. other resources to use with students
8.3.4. professional reasources articles books lessons unite plans assessment tools
8.4. 3. Caretaker
8.4.1. freedom of choice
8.4.2. freedom of movement
8.4.3. prepared of environment
8.5. 4. Facilitator
8.5.1. To put the child in touch with the materials.
8.5.2. Match a child to an appropriate activity
8.5.3. To maintain ground rules
8.5.4. To present materials to the children
8.6. 5.Observer
8.6.1. Observe the child
8.6.2. Scaffolding
8.6.3. Encourages a scientific approach
8.7. 6.Mentor
8.7.1. instruction
8.7.2. curriculum
8.7.3. procedure
8.7.4. practices
8.7.5. politics
9. Learning Goals
9.1. Curriculum-Framing Questions
9.1.1. Essential Question
9.1.2. Unit Questions
9.1.3. Content Questions
9.2. Learn
9.2.1. Individual Work
9.2.2. Whole Class Work
9.2.3. Group Work
9.3. Create
9.3.1. Graphics
9.3.2. Content
9.3.3. Data
9.4. Present
9.4.1. Group Work
9.4.2. Class Roles
9.4.3. Teacher Roles
9.5. Wrapping Up the Unit
9.5.1. Essential Questions
9.5.2. Future Goals
9.5.3. Grading