4 Stages of the Holocaust

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4 Stages of the Holocaust por Mind Map: 4 Stages of the Holocaust

1. Stage 1: Stripping of Rights

1.1. The Nuremberg Laws stated Jews were...

1.2. Forced to carry ID cards

1.3. Forced to wear arm band of yellow star of David

1.4. Fired from jobs

1.5. Banned from German schools

1.6. Stripped of German citizenship

1.7. Synagogues were destroyed

2. Stage 2: Segregation

2.1. Jews were forced to live in ghettos

2.2. Ghettos were filthy, with poor sanitation and overcrowded

2.3. Food was scarce so many starved to death

3. Stage 3: Concentration Camps

3.1. Jews were forced to work and treated as prisoners

3.2. Prisoners faced malnourishment and starvation

3.3. Prisoners were mistreated

3.4. Prisoners were transported in cattle freight cars

3.5. Men and women were separated

3.6. Unsanitary conditions

4. Stage 4: Exterminatination

4.1. Extermination camps were set up

4.2. Function of these camps was for mass murder

4.3. Called for complete mass annihilation and extermination of Jews

4.4. Prisoners were sent to gas chambers that were disguised as showers

4.5. Dead prisoners were cremated