What is celiac disease?

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What is celiac disease? by Mind Map: What is celiac disease?

1. By the numbers

1.1. numbers and charts laid out across the bottom of the page

1.2. big numbers: significant numbers representing facts about celiac disease

1.2.1. one in 133 people have celiac disease

1.2.2. gluten free food is 242 percent more expensive

1.2.3. there are more than 300 symptoms

1.3. map: highlighting nevada (the amount of people with celiac disease in the US is equivalent to the population of nevada

1.4. pie charts showing how likely it is to get celiac disease with relatives that have it or without

2. The anatomy of celiac disease

2.1. print

2.1.1. diagram of a body, showing different symptoms and how they affect the whole body, not just the intestine

2.1.2. diagram of a healthy intestine vs. a damaged intestine, description of how a body with celiac disease reacts to gluten

2.1.3. Jan Jenkins: severe arthritis, doctor said to cut out gluten, better within 48 hours

2.2. flash

2.2.1. diagram of a body highlighted in different colors, mouse over a certain part of the body and symptoms that can affect that part of the body appear

2.2.2. jan jenkins as a sidebar?

3. How to live with celiac disease

3.1. list of foods/brands that are great gluten replacements for things commonly with wheat in them (bread, bagels, cookies etc.)

3.2. importance of staying gluten free: what can happen if you continue to eat wheat with celiac disease

3.3. quote from or description of elizabeth hasselbeck's book? or talk to jan's dietician for a guide to eating gluten free

3.4. map of locations in lansing area with gluten free foods