PC Operating Systems

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PC Operating Systems by Mind Map: PC Operating Systems

1. Mac OS X

1.1. Pros:

1.1.1. Great boot time

1.1.2. More stable than Windows due to Apple’s tighter control over the configuration options and its UNIX base.

1.2. Cons:

1.2.1. Horrible Installation Experience

1.2.2. Releases security patches in a large quantity instead of when it is avaliable.

2. Chromium OS

2.1. Pros:

2.1.1. Completely different from other OS

2.1.2. No learning curve: it's all a web browser

2.2. Cons:

2.2.1. Very early stage of development

2.2.2. Only available as source code at the moment

3. Definition: the collection of software that directs a computer's operations, controlling and scheduling the execution of other programs, and managing storage, input/output, and communication resources.

4. Sources

4.1. http://bit.ly/aZMMG0

4.2. http://bit.ly/clusGh

4.3. http://bit.ly/anb8Iy

4.4. http://bit.ly/OhbmI

4.5. http://bit.ly/qHR5W

4.6. http://bit.ly/54VyjQ

5. Windows 7

5.1. Pros:

5.1.1. Simple Installation Experience

5.1.2. You get better control of your devices

5.2. Cons:

5.2.1. Boot Time takes too long

5.2.2. Applications are simple but their are no alternatives.

6. Ubuntu 10.10

6.1. Pros:

6.1.1. Great boot time

6.1.2. Has great security and software updates

6.2. Cons:

6.2.1. Somewhat difficult to install on a separate partition without a disc

6.2.2. Less software than Windows, but still a good amount