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Storybird by Mind Map: Storybird

1. Learning Activities

1.1. Individual Work

1.1.1. Have teacher meet with individual students to monitor progress towards meeting the learning goals.

1.1.2. Have individual students use Storybird to create a story or poem.

1.2. Group Work

1.2.1. Have students peer edit one another's stories.

1.3. Whole Class

1.3.1. Have students present their finished stories to the class.

1.3.2. Discussion on what areas of each student's stories excelled, and what areas could use extra revision.

1.3.3. Brainstorming session on potential story ideas

1.3.4. Lecture on how to construct a story.

1.3.5. Lecture/demonstration on how to use Storybird

2. Teacher Roles

2.1. Instructor

2.1.1. What is Storybird? Here's a great educational review of Storybird

2.1.2. Inform about goals/objectives

2.1.3. How to construct a story

2.2. Coach

2.2.1. Use tutorials or videos to explain how to navigate the website

2.2.2. Give a demonstration using Storybird in class

2.3. Supervisor

2.3.1. Ensure students stay on Storybird

2.3.2. Ensure appropriate use of technology

2.4. Administer

2.4.1. Time

2.4.2. The students/groups

2.5. Facilitator

2.5.1. Answer questions the students have

2.5.2. Storybird participation

2.5.3. Students' creations

2.5.4. Positive learning environment

2.6. Assessor

2.6.1. Students' understanding

2.6.2. Did this meet learning goals?

2.6.3. Provide feedback

3. Learning Objectives/Goals

3.1. Create

3.1.1. Brainstorm

3.1.2. Explore their creativity!

3.1.3. Write!

3.2. Teacher Feedback

3.2.1. Evaluation

3.2.2. Discuss

3.2.3. Practice

3.3. Practice

3.3.1. Writing

3.3.2. Language

3.3.3. Deciphering

3.3.4. Editing

3.3.5. DBQ

3.4. Fun!

3.4.1. Explore creativity

3.4.2. Imagination at use

3.4.3. Endless Possibilities

4. Elementary Language Arts

4.1. Comprehension

4.1.1. Students can read each other's stories and answer DBQ's.

4.1.2. Sharing stories.

4.2. Grammar

4.2.1. Writing is wonderful for working on grammar skills.

4.2.2. Peer revisions.

4.3. Writing Practice

4.3.1. Stories

4.3.2. Poems

5. Assessment

5.1. Analysis

5.1.1. Practice Quiz

5.2. Formative Assessment

5.2.1. Questions

5.2.2. Feedback

5.2.3. Evaluate Peer Review Teacher

5.3. Summative Assessment

5.3.1. Presentation

5.3.2. Storybird of the Month!