by Clark Ramsey
1. Health
1.1. weightloss during events
1.1.1. 8lbs - basketball game
1.2. workout plan
1.3. health problems
2. Events
2.1. university-related
2.2. private
2.3. games
3. Sparty Alumni
3.1. Ross Ramsey
3.1.1. doctor
3.2. John Manutes
3.2.1. Railroad Controller
3.3. Larry Lage
3.3.1. AP writer
3.4. Jeff Kemperman
3.4.1. Asst DA
3.5. Chad Susott
3.5.1. Dentist
4. myths/urban legends
4.1. not paid
4.2. no scholarship
4.3. no student-athlete perks
4.4. anonymous
4.5. not a pick-up line
5. Costume
5.1. cost breakdown
5.1.1. $15,000/costume
5.2. parts
5.2.1. 13 pieces
5.2.2. weight
5.3. vision
5.3.1. actual view of what Sparty can and cannot see inside
6. Gameday Routine
6.1. timetable of events
6.1.1. 7am-6pm
7. Media
7.1. Twitter
7.1.1. TheRealSparty 1000+ followers
7.2. Facebook
7.3. youtube
7.3.1. TheRealSparty "I Would Do Anything For Love" 16th most watched youtube video - Sept 21st