by Tess Couper
1. Learning Goal: Creativity
1.1. Allows students and other users to be able to create their own unique presentations. They can use various different features that are available.
2. Learning Goal: Communication
2.1. Presentations can be shared in various different ways. As students work can be shared, it also allows people to comment with their feedback. Because of the voice recording feature, it can allow students to have a voice if they do not enjoy participating within the classroom.
3. Learning Goal: Simplicity
3.1. Because VoiceThread is relatively simple to use, students will become motivated to create unique presentations using a variety of different features that are simple to include.
4. Learning Goal: Innovative
4.1. As technology continues to advance, it is important to integrate various types of new technology.
5. Learning Goal: Learning in Different Ways
5.1. Allows students to visualize and hear presentations. Some students may learn better listening to someone talk through a presentation.
6. Learning Goal: Collaboration
6.1. Students have the ability to work together on projects add on to
7. Learning Activity: Ice Breaker
7.1. Using VoiceThread to better orient students with one another and the technology. Students can figure out the basics of VoiceThread without the stress of assessments.
8. Learning Activity: Commenting/Feedback
8.1. VoiceThread can be used for students to comment on posts made by the teacher. It can also be useful so students can leave feedback on projects and assignments if they have questions.
9. Learning Activity: Group Discussion
9.1. Students can use VoiceThread to facilitate group activity. They can collaborate on ideas and effectively communicate to complete assignments.
10. Learning Activity: Flowchart
10.1. Students can develop a flowchart that demonstrates installing, creating, and opening posts.
11. Learning Activity: Spelling/Vocabulary
11.1. Students can use VoiceThread to take pictures of specific objects and record the spelling and sentences both orally and written.
12. Learning Activity: Recording Voice/Speech
12.1. This activity is very helpful for ESL students to practice their English. They can upload and describe objects within photos. They can also receive oral feedback.
13. Learning Activity: Recording Videos or Images w/Commentary
13.1. Students can use a recording device to make a video and add the commentary simultaneously using VoiceThread. Other students can comment and learn from the videos.
14. Learning Assessment: Vocal assessment
14.1. VoiceThread allows teachers to assess their students on a different level than usual. Listening to students actually speak about the topic allows teachers to assess their students on a more personal level and it makes it a bit more challenging of them.
15. Learning Assessment: Creativity
15.1. VoiceThread leaves a lot of room for students to be creative and be a little more out of the box with their projects. When teachers are looking at their creations, they keep this in mind and it is another way for them to be able to assess their students ability.
16. Learning Assessment: Peer- to- Peer Feedback
16.1. VoiceThread makes it very easy for teachers to observe how students understand the content on a deeper level. Once a teacher has created a VoiceThread the students are allowed to go in and comment on it and have interactions, that the teacher can see. This can help them really see who is understanding the lesson being taught.
17. Learning Assessment: Speaking Skills
17.1. Just by listening to a students VoiceThread, a teacher is able to assess how good a students speaking skills are and if this is an area of trouble or not.
18. Learning Assessment: International
18.1. VoiceThread is a good tool for students to practice their listening/ conversational skills with others of a different language. Even though they are on the web, they are still able to be interactive and learn more about another students culture.
19. Learning Assessment: Whole Class Participation
19.1. Some students may be too shy in the classroom to raise their hand and have a voice in class, and that makes it hard for teachers to assess them because they don't know where they stand. Using VoiceThread can be so beneficial for those students because they will feel much more comfortable not being in front of the whole class and able to state their opinion or ideas. Therefore, teachers are able to assess everyone in class and get a sense of where they stand.
20. Teacher Role: Inform
20.1. Explain how Voice Thread is beneficial for learning and show examples of others' threads
21. Teacher Role: Facilitate
21.1. Foster different learning styles by creating multimedia diversity options for projects. Encourage students to use tools other than text when communicating.
22. Teacher Role: Assess Students
22.1. assess their progress and collaboration with one another
23. Teacher Role: Manage
23.1. Share students threads, control the topics and discussions, teach how to use the technology, provide resources and organization
24. Teacher Role: Engage
24.1. Engage the students in the learning goal by encouraging them to make their communication more personal therefore less boring and more effective