Front End UI Development (dates: June 2015 > May 12, 2016 > april 12, 2019 > may 2020)

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Front End UI Development (dates: June 2015 > May 12, 2016 > april 12, 2019 > may 2020) by Mind Map: Front End UI Development  (dates: June 2015 > May 12, 2016 > april 12, 2019 > may 2020)

1. portfolio ( 4 strong items that cover HTML/CSS, responsive, ReactJS technologies for this profession )

1.1. [+] website portfolio

1.2. [+] matching game

1.3. [+] arcade game

1.4. [+] js feed reader testing

1.5. [ ] restaurant reviews

1.6. [ ] css grid + BEM project

1.7. [ ] pomodoro clock Front End Libraries Projects - Build a Pomodoro Clock | Learn freeCodeCamp}

1.8. [ ] project on react

1.8.1. [ ] React based application Building a React Universal Blog App: A Step-by-Step Guide — SitePoint

1.9. Work for Charity/NonProfits You can use the site Catch a Fire to find a project that you can help with. If you follow the program at Free Code Camp and earn all their certificates, you will gain access to nonprofit projects where you can put your skills to good use.

1.10. digital resume using preprocessing LambdaSchool/Preprocessing-I

2. interview prep

2.1. resume

2.1.1. google doc

2.2. portfolio

2.2.1. udacity projects pasv projects html academy html makets

2.3. interview questions

2.3.1. General h5bp/Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions

2.3.2. technical udemy algorithms JavaScript (JS) Algorithms and Data Structures Masterclass js mbeaudru/modern-js-cheatsheet

2.3.3. behavioral

2.4. other resources

2.4.1. front end interviews front end masters front end handbook

2.4.2. cracking the coding interview plan in your notes

2.4.3. create list of companies you want to apply

2.4.4. list of websites to put your resume and website LInkedin

3. Technical Skills

3.1. list of skills that you need more practice in

3.1.1. [] debugging react application

3.1.2. [+] working with DOM

3.1.3. [+] callback funcitons

3.1.4. [+] closures

3.1.5. [+] how does ternary operator in JS work? Conditional (ternary) operator

3.1.6. [+] performance in js code ( Due to security they decided to round up milliseconds number in FF browsers

3.1.7. [+] apply()

3.1.8. [+] call()

3.1.9. [+] factory function

3.1.10. [+] bind()

3.1.11. [] gulp Gulp Task Automation for Beginners

3.1.12. [ ] vendor css prefixes

3.1.13. [ ] composition as JS pattern A Gentle Introduction to Composition in JavaScript – Ricardo Magalhães

3.1.14. [ ] eslint

3.1.15. [ ] parcel Parcel

3.1.16. [ ] polyfills

3.1.17. [ ] scope - getify/You-Dont-Know-JS

3.1.18. [ ] using debugger in Chrome DevTools

3.1.19. [ ] JS game development

3.1.20. [ ] Prototype-based programming

3.1.21. [ ] working with classes

3.1.22. [+-] constructor function, factory function and classes JavaScript Factory Functions vs Constructor Functions vs Classes

3.1.23. [ ] OO in JS

3.1.24. [ ] CSS grid design: transfer from psd to HTML landing page

3.1.25. [ ] OOP in JS

3.1.26. [ ] responsive images

3.1.27. [ ] automatic type conversion

3.1.28. [ ] garbage collection mechanics in JS

3.1.29. [+] bind() method

3.1.30. [+-] regex

3.1.31. [ ] regexp

3.1.32. [ ] __proto__

3.1.33. [+] object.create() Object.create - Object Creation in JavaScript P6 - FunFunFunction #57

3.1.34. [+ -] Jasmine: Understanding the Difference between beforeAll and beforeEach

3.2. helpfull articles / links to cources:

3.2.1. see dev mastery - PracticalGuideLinks-WebDev.pdf

3.2.2. Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years

3.2.3. Front-end Developer Handbook 2019 - Learn the entire JavaScript, CSS and HTML development practice!



3.2.6. JS books (from beginner to advanced and EcmaScript6) JavaScript books

3.2.7. how to learn JS Getting up to JavaScript speed

3.2.8. On closures

3.2.9. curriculum Full Stack Web Development · Lambda SchoolLambdaGitHubTwitterSlackMenu

3.2.10. Paths to Learning JavaScript, React, and More Skills You Need.

3.2.11. constructor function, factory function and classes JavaScript Factory Functions vs Constructor Functions vs Classes

3.3. portfolio: 4-6 strong projects

3.4. JavaScript

3.4.1. daily exercises (current level: arrays and strings as of May 15, 2019): code editor is here

3.4.2. scrimba Basic JS by FCC

3.4.3. scrimba Learn Modern ES6 by FCC

3.4.4. eloquent JS: Eloquent JavaScript

3.4.5. You don't know JS series getify/You-Dont-Know-JS

3.4.6. Advanced JS FM Learn Advanced JavaScript from the Master Developers

3.4.7. JS: the right way

3.4.8. Learn ES6 by

3.4.9. JS: the better parts

3.4.10. TypeScript

3.4.11. JS unit testing with Jasmine

3.4.12. Design Patterns JS Design Patterns by doFactory Learning JS Design Patterns by Addy Osmany

3.5. CSS

3.5.1. TODO: find good source for CSS basics

3.5.2. SMACSS or BEM (focus on this one for now)

3.5.3. Responsive: CSS grid (focus on this one), Flexbox

3.5.4. Sass or Less (do I still need it?)

3.6. HTML

3.6.1. TODO: find good source for basics

3.7. Design

3.7.1. See book by marie smith on gdrive

3.8. Task Runners

3.8.1. gulp or grunt

3.9. JS Builders

3.9.1. Webpack or Browserify

3.10. JS Testing

3.10.1. Cypress

3.10.2. Jest

3.11. ReactJS

3.11.1. Egghead React Fundamentials

3.11.2. Redux by CSS tricks

3.12. Optimization and Performance

3.12.1. Managing Mobile Performance Optimization by Smashing Magazine

3.12.2. High Performance Animation by HTML rocks

3.13. Software Engineering

3.13.1. books: code complete clean code

3.13.2. what does jr FED should know Google Docs - create and edit documents online, for free.

3.14. Computer Science

3.14.1. Data Structures

3.14.2. Algorithms

3.15. JS testing prep

4. Udacity nano degree

4.1. [+] 1.Welcome

4.2. [+] 2. Building Blocks of Front End

4.2.1. [+] project 1: website portfolio

4.3. [+] 3. JavaScript and The DOM

4.3.1. [+] project 2: matching game

4.3.2. practice: [+] update [+] create [+] remove [+] style page content using JS + DOM

4.4. [+-] 4. Web Accessibility

4.5. []+- 5. Object Oriented JavaScript

4.6. [] 6. JavaScript Tools and Testing

4.7. [] 7.Front End Applications

4.8. [] 8. Extracurricular

4.8.1. [] 1. High Conversion Web Forms

4.8.2. [] 2.Client Server Communication

4.8.3. [] 3. Shell Workshop

4.8.4. [] 4.Version Control with Git And Github

4.8.5. [] 5. Intro to jQuery

5. Soft Skills

5.1. problem solving

5.2. branding / selling

5.2.1. Conscious Marketing: How to Create an Awesome Business with a New Approach to Marketing

5.2.2. Free Marketing: 101 Low and No-Cost Ways to Grow Your Business, Online and Off

5.3. communication

5.3.1. attend tematique meetups

5.3.2. Oral communications for engineers

5.3.3. temple gardin books

5.4. writing skills

5.4.1. see coursera's writing classes

5.4.2. TODO: write about my journey

5.5. public speaking skills

5.5.1. youtube Quick Pitch - Be Ready to Pitch in a Pinch via Donna Griffit

6. Other

6.1. goal is to have monthly income that will allow me to live comfortably, travel, have good health insurance, and save fore house and retirement and to make my life interesting

6.2. try djing

6.2.1. tutorial Serato DJ Lite Tutorials | DJ Software | DJ Controllers

7. currently doing

7.1. pasv react (2 months) (may 2020)

7.2. react udacity (apr - may 2020)

7.3. html academy (jan - may 2020)

7.4. React on udemy (3o min everyday) (april 2019)

8. Books

8.1. clean code

8.2. clean coder

8.3. design patterns