John Maxewell's Law of Awareness

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John Maxewell's Law of Awareness por Mind Map: John Maxewell's Law of Awareness

1. Your direction in life. Are you one who...?

1.1. Doesn't know what they'd like to do

1.2. Knows what they'd like to do but doesn't do it

1.3. Knows what they'd like to do & does it

2. Finding passion & purpose

2.1. Do you like what you're doing now?

2.1.1. An engaged passion = energy & excellence

2.2. What would you like to do?

2.3. Can you do what you'd like to do?

2.4. Do you know why you want to do what you'd like to do?

2.5. Do you know what to do so you can do what you want to do?

2.5.1. Awareness

2.5.2. Action

2.5.3. Accountability

2.5.4. Attraction

2.6. Do you know people who do what you'd like to do?

2.7. Should you do what you'd like to do with them?

2.8. Will you pay the price to do what you want to do?

2.9. When can you start doing what you'd like to do?

2.10. What will it be like when you get to do what you'd like to do?

3. Created by Dave Rothacker