Anton Gurov - Skills - Misc

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Anton Gurov - Skills - Misc par Mind Map: Anton Gurov - Skills - Misc

1. Vendor management

1.1. CDW

1.2. Dell

2. BugTracking

2.1. Jira

3. Wiki

3.1. Confluence

3.2. Plone

3.3. Sharepoint

4. Photo manipulation

4.1. Gimp

4.2. Photoshop

4.2.1. 3 to 5

5. 3D rendering

5.1. SketchUP

6. Business Dashboarding/BI

6.1. Corda Centerview

6.2. Full evaluation of capabilities

6.2.1. PivotLink, Tableau

7. Microsoft Office Products Suite

8. Available for 24x7 On Call support

9. Legend

9.1. Strong

9.2. Fair

9.3. Weak

10. Back to resume