In 2015 METIDMatch Xpress explores open kowledge paradigms

Since 2012 METIDMATCH has been offering blended workshops aimed at promoting staff professional development at Politecnico di Milano - METID. In 2015 METIDMatch Xpress explores open kowledge paradigms #metidmatch

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In 2015 METIDMatch Xpress explores open kowledge paradigms by Mind Map: In 2015 METIDMatch Xpress explores open kowledge paradigms

1. April 21st, 2016 - workshop topic: vade mecum on MOOC production

1.1. Participants: about 26 people engaged in the design and development of digital learning services (editors, instructional designers, project managers, tutors, system administrators, web developers). People are divided into workgroups and are asked to read and present a chapter of the "vade mecum on MOOC production" (vade meMOOC)

1.2. Next episode: date to be defined


2.1. 4. VOTING. Each workgroup member votes the best performance. The winner was: the workgroup that used "Shakespeare's style" to disseminate the main takeaways of the chapter about prototyping


3.1. 1. MIX AND MATCH. Participants are divided into workgroups of 4 people each


4.1. 2. EXPLORATION. Each workgroup explores an assigned chapter of the vade mecum on MOOC production, and chooses a conventional film or broadcast "style" (e.g. sit com, soap opera, documentary) to convey its main takeaways (duration: 45 mins)

4.2. 3. SPEED SHARING. Each workgroup performs live for the other participants according to the chosen style (10mins each)

5. Since 2012 METIDMATCH has been offering blended workshops aimed at promoting staff professional development at Politecnico di Milano - METID METIDMatch commits itself to make workshop content open and reusable under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. #metidmatch