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School Librarian by Mind Map: School Librarian

1. Teacher Librarian

1.1. Information Literacy

1.1.1. Library Skills

1.1.2. Finding Information in Books

1.1.3. Developing Good Research Questions

1.1.4. Finding Information on the Internet

1.1.5. Using Databases

1.1.6. Evaluating Websites

1.1.7. Taking Notes for Research

1.1.8. Citing Sources

1.1.9. Avoiding Plagiarism

1.1.10. Professional Development in Research Skills

1.2. Educational Technology

1.2.1. Purchasing and Maintaining Cameras, Voice Recorders...

1.2.2. Editing Recorded Files

1.2.3. Using Web 2.0 Tools For Presentations For Collaboration For Communication For Teaching For Organization

1.2.4. Professional Development for Staff

1.3. Reading Support

1.3.1. DCF and GMBA Programs

1.3.2. Book Talks

1.3.3. Book Displays

1.3.4. Reading Incentive Progarms

1.3.5. Weekly/Biweekly Library Visits for Middle Level

1.3.6. Encouraging Reading in the Content Areas

1.3.7. Supporting National "Weeks" and "Months"

1.3.8. Book Discussion Groups

1.3.9. Maintaining "Good Reads" Group for School

1.4. Finding Educational Materials for Teachers

1.4.1. Print

1.4.2. Websites/Creating Pathfinders

1.4.3. Audiovisual Materials

1.4.4. Other Web Games and Tools

2. Library Administrator

2.1. Collection Management

2.1.1. Creating a Budget

2.1.2. Keeping Track of Finances

2.1.3. Keeping Abreast of Available Materials

2.1.4. Ordering

2.1.5. Processing Covering Cataloging Spine Labels, etc

2.1.6. Weeding

2.1.7. Catalog Maintainance

2.1.8. Inventory

2.2. Circulation Management

2.2.1. Checking in and Out

2.2.2. Overdue Notices

2.2.3. Return Incentives

2.2.4. Shelving

2.2.5. Maintaining Shelf Order

2.2.6. Shelf Signage

2.3. Space Management

2.3.1. Supervising Students in Library

2.3.2. Reader Guidance for Students in Library

2.3.3. Research Guidance for Students in Library

2.3.4. Acting as Study Hall Supervisor When Subs Are Not Available

2.3.5. Training Student Aides

2.3.6. Maintaining Library Website

2.4. Leadership Roles

2.4.1. Communication with Administrators

2.4.2. Technology Committee