Gemma Funnell and Jack Meacher.

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Gemma Funnell and Jack Meacher. by Mind Map: Gemma Funnell and Jack Meacher.

1. how we made our website and what we do in each lesson

2. step by step

2.1. how we made our sculptures

2.1.1. New node

3. inspiration

3.1. what inspired me

4. Gemmas announsment page.

4.1. what we did in our first lesson

5. Pinch pots.

6. 2D and 3D design work

7. blogs

8. comments page

9. site map

10. scanning

10.1. from art book scan images and things in for website

11. Uncle Neil

12. Jack's announsment page.

12.1. What we did in our first lesson.

13. Animation.

13.1. Person drawing a picture of a .........

14. Peter Randel Page page.

14.1. Insperation from other artists.

14.1.1. Who

14.1.2. Where can you see the work.

14.1.3. How they inspire you.

15. My art.

15.1. Photos

15.1.1. Pinch pots.