TEDxAms2010 - 21. Bas Lansdorp - Airborne wind energy – reaching for the sky

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TEDxAms2010 - 21. Bas Lansdorp - Airborne wind energy – reaching for the sky by Mind Map: TEDxAms2010  - 21. Bas Lansdorp -  Airborne wind energy –  reaching for the sky

1. what is it

1.1. any system that generates energy not connected to earth

1.2. produce at lower cost

2. Bas Lansdorp

2.1. Ampyx Power

3. Back to overview map

4. history

4.1. 1200

4.1.1. boats kite

4.2. 1706

4.3. 1900

4.3.1. wright brothers

5. generating electricity by wind

5.1. fly a gliderplane

5.1.1. several parerns such as an '8'

5.1.2. PowerPlane

5.2. get tention in cable

5.2.1. connect to dynamo

5.2.2. generate 10 KW electricity

5.3. started at TU Delft

5.4. why

5.4.1. 1. higher up more air 3x more energy

5.4.2. 2. our system is smaller than conventional wind turbine

5.4.3. 3. cheaper much less material needed saves material solve energy problems renewable energy at price of conventional energy