TEDxAms2010 - 24. Rogier van der Heide - Just Brilliance

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TEDxAms2010 - 24. Rogier van der Heide - Just Brilliance por Mind Map: TEDxAms2010 - 24. Rogier van der Heide - Just Brilliance

1. Rogier van der Heide

1.1. Chief Design Officer for Philips Lighting

1.2. Personal website

2. Back to overview map

3. light

3.1. quote le corbusier

3.2. no light without darkness

3.3. relevant of light

3.3.1. brightness

3.3.2. shadows

3.4. all energy comes from sun

3.4.1. beauty

4. building

4.1. cover sun

4.2. but also allow light

4.3. enjoy good part of sun

4.4. dynamics of sun

4.4.1. enhances our lifes

4.5. natural light

4.5.1. isnt boring

5. richard kelly

5.1. focal glow

5.1.1. spotlight

5.1.2. break true

5.2. ambient luminescence

5.2.1. no focus

5.2.2. relax

5.2.3. contemplate

5.3. play of brilliants

5.3.1. chandelier

5.3.2. operahouse

5.3.3. playfull

5.4. makes us feel better

6. light therapy

6.1. modern medicine

6.2. biochemical way

6.3. yelllow light most sensitive

6.4. blue light

6.4.1. relax

6.4.2. alert

6.4.3. fall asleep

6.4.4. stay away

6.4.5. application plane school

7. combi light & darkness

7.1. social interaction

7.1.1. gathering

7.1.2. light spoils darkness

7.1.3. light goes up and doenst reach earth

7.1.4. darkness for imagination

7.2. urbanization

7.3. new LEDs

7.3.1. small

7.3.2. unseeable

7.3.3. led give blue light phosphor cap then white light lens to concentrate the light

7.3.4. applicatation

7.4. engage people

7.5. preserve darkness

7.6. starry skylight

7.7. even in oceans lots of light

7.7.1. birds get dissoriented

7.7.2. green lights solves this

7.8. use darkness as a canvas

7.8.1. create interesting environments

7.8.2. like Edward Hopper

7.9. examples

7.9.1. Tadao Ando, Church of Light (1989)

7.9.2. influenced by theather enhance life with light