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First Bridge by Mind Map: First Bridge

1. Skills

1.1. Alice

1.2. Legos (Mindstorm)

1.3. Relating technology and philosophy

1.4. Critical thinking

1.5. Writing a Research Paper

1.6. MLA + Finding reliable sources

2. Key points/things

2.1. Model making

2.1.1. Use of concepts to make models

2.1.2. Research paper

3. Concepts

3.1. Avatars

3.2. Memory

3.3. Self

3.3.1. Freud

3.3.2. Lacan

3.3.3. Qualia

3.3.4. Consciousness

3.4. Otherness

3.4.1. Frankestein

3.5. Media

3.5.1. ethics Aristotle Kant Christian ethics transparency of media

3.5.2. Cyberculture

3.6. Robots

3.6.1. Asimov

3.6.2. Ethics

3.6.3. Definition

3.7. Andy Clark