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Whooping Crane by Mind Map: Whooping Crane

1. cause of population number

1.1. habitat loss

1.2. predators

2. remaining whooping cranes

2.1. whooping cranes were declared endangered in 1967. Ever since then whooping cranes decrease every day

3. threats

3.1. wind farms

3.2. predators

3.3. habitat loss

4. behaviour

4.1. searches for smaller animals to eat. started flying because of animal trainers. can smell a predator from 5 km

5. characteristics

5.1. the species nearly stands 1.5 metres.with a wingspan of 2.3 metres. males wheigh on an average of 7.0 kg. while womans wheigh on an average of 6.0 kg

6. habitat

6.1. muskage of the taiga

7. feeding

7.1. fish

7.2. grains

7.3. plants

7.4. birds

7.5. insects

8. map

9. adaption

9.1. able to catch small animals with their fast legs

9.2. glide with water

10. status

10.1. endangered

11. reproduction

11.1. baby hatches in 29-31 days

11.2. only switches partners if older baby dies

11.3. babies can swim as soon as their born and learn how to fly within 80-90 days

12. conservation

12.1. attempts have been made to establish other breeding populations in captivity

12.2. in 1975 a project of the american and canadian wild services involved cross fostering with sandhill cranes to establish a second half sustaining flock