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School Library Media Specialist создатель Mind Map: School Library Media Specialist

1. Teacher

1.1. Teaching and Learning

1.1.1. Knowledge of Learners and Learning

1.1.2. Effective and Knowledgeable Teacher

1.1.3. Information Literacy Curriculum

2. Information Specialist

2.1. Use of Information and Ideas

2.1.1. Literacy and Reading

2.1.2. Efficient & Ethical Information-Seeking Behavior

2.1.3. Access to Information

2.1.4. Stimulating Learning Environment

3. Instructional Partner

3.1. Collaboration and Leadership

3.1.1. Connection with Library Community

3.1.2. Instructional Partner

3.1.3. Educational Leader

4. Program Administrator

4.1. Program Administration: Managing Resources, Planning and Assessment

4.1.1. Selecting, Organizing, Using

4.1.2. Human, Financial, Physical

4.1.3. Planning and Assessment