Adnan Syed

This is my mind Meister map about the murder case of Hae Min Lee she her ex-boyfriend severs a life time in prison and serial a podcast has tried to prove wither or not adnan is guilty or innocent.

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Adnan Syed by Mind Map: Adnan Syed

1. Aisha Mclain

2. Stephanie

3. Attif Ikbal

4. Ronald Lee More

5. Stela Armstrong

6. Rabia Chaudry

7. Jenn

8. Becky

8.1. Krista

9. Detective Ritz and Detective Macgillivary

10. Debbie

11. Sarah Koenig

12. Jay

12.1. Stephanie

13. Hae Min Lee

14. Don

15. Mr. S

16. Nisha

17. Christina Gutierrez

18. Deidre

19. Saad Chaudry

20. Laura

21. Mr. Anonymous

22. Josh