1. New Hybrid menu for global
1.1. can now have one item
2. Search bar for guide listing pages
2.1. We had built this when we developed
2.2. context was enabled
3. Widget header page structure
3.1. Home page h1
3.1.1. hidden by CSS
3.1.2. home page h1 needs to be made visible need discussion with client
3.2. We automatically alter the page H1 rendering when title and standfirst is hidden
3.2.1. documentation required for new hero widgets
3.2.2. can we create a widget build checklist Widget checklist as a test
3.3. reveal headings and IDs
3.3.1. now visible for editors
4. carousel in body
5. FAQ widget
5.1. We abandoned the FAQ field
5.1.1. not compatible with inline forms
5.1.2. cannot work in widgets
5.1.3. formatters cannot work
5.2. rebuilt as custom
6. unpublished pages
6.1. rebuild node access table
6.1.1. add to node access rebuild to deploy process
7. roles
7.1. https://codepositive.atlassian.net/wiki/display/WP/User+roles
7.2. permissions testing
8. redirects
8.1. secure pages now use 301
8.2. module has been patched
9. scheduled publishing
9.1. scheduler module
9.2. users need to have their time zones set up!
9.2.1. scheduler uses the users time zone
9.2.2. training
10. purge
10.1. need to work with acquia
11. content audit
11.1. https://codepositive.atlassian.net/wiki/display/WP/Content+audit+-+June++2016
12. solr stats
12.1. solr stats module
12.1.1. incompatatble with solr views
12.2. analtyics regex is a broken on ?
13. href-lang
13.1. We have added a tab to the node edit screen
13.2. Process userflow and UX refinement
13.3. now have default values
14. style guide
14.1. There is no real style guide for this site
14.2. we can't retrofit a real style guide because there is no good foundation
15. small tasks
15.1. us date formats
15.1.1. Blog date format on teasers date formats are now formatting correctly based on "region context"
15.1.2. formatting can be defined by site regions
15.1.3. we need technical documentation on dates
15.2. search boosting
15.2.1. We have a boost field on content types tick-box on node edit form
15.2.2. applies only to site search sort by score
15.2.3. search score multiplier boost will always come first
15.2.4. how will this be managed over time? We should have a view of all boosted pages add a view of boosted content permissions?
15.3. embed
15.3.1. finish tools for extracting zips on production
15.3.2. tools for debugging
16. Image title and alt tags
16.1. the image presets are normally fixed for every possible image
16.1.1. we added selectable view mode formatter this did not handle title and alt we added a template
17. insight articles view
17.1. rebuilt to use solr
17.2. The is a tiny scroll-bar bug on small screens.
17.2.1. not using mobile responsive theming
17.3. We are getting better at creating these
17.3.1. new module for facets
17.3.2. we need to review our directory build pattern and automation
17.3.3. build code generators
17.4. Behat tests for insight articles should be defined as a core pattern
18. caching
18.1. clearing all caches all the time is a problem
18.2. we need to be able to understand caching as a team
18.2.1. Drupal 8 training for caching
18.3. performance QA
18.3.1. New relic
18.3.2. performance A/B testing