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Engineering Website by Mind Map: Engineering Website

1. Forum

1.1. Discussions

1.1.1. Vent frustrations

1.1.2. Support

1.1.3. Explore

1.2. Blogs

1.2.1. Educate

1.2.2. Entertain

1.3. Open-essay space

1.3.1. Non-technical papers that struggle to be published

1.4. Surveys

1.4.1. What is like to work in engineering?

1.4.2. Do you see a positive future?

1.4.3. Do you regret choosing engineering?

1.4.4. Who are the real leaders in your firm/engineering?

1.4.5. Are you ever inspired?

1.4.6. Career-wise, is it better to think outside of boxes or to simply to tick them?

1.5. Independent to industry establishment

2. Business Model

2.1. What is the current model?

2.1.1. Keep clients

2.1.2. Reproduce projects

2.1.3. Reduce costs

2.1.4. Match the competitors

2.1.5. Maintain 'core' project types

2.1.6. Make profit

2.1.7. Work where the money is

2.2. What is an inspirational model?

2.2.1. Clients that match our aspirations

2.2.2. Recognise each project as different

2.2.3. Manage costs

2.2.4. Remove the competitors

2.2.5. The 'core' is skills-based and not project-based

2.2.6. Make enough

2.2.7. Work where the value is

2.2.8. Socially just, economically robust

2.3. What could this look like?

2.3.1. Work for all of society The minority who can pay, pay for the majority who can't Link paid projects with pro bono work

2.3.2. Value for all Highest quality design and constrction Same teams work on both projects

2.3.3. Profit is capped Need profit be endless? No company lasts forever Save enough for 6 months pay if need to close What would be profit helps pay for free work

2.3.4. Socially active Seek close connections with local community Look beyond traditional professional boundaries Provide services that are needed before those that are wanted

2.3.5. Employee satisfaction Space for all to shine No linear assessments Encourage personal investigation Education Technical Professional Social

2.3.6. Leadership Provide a vision Set an example by placing others first Seek to make a difference in all things

3. Collaborative Book (possibly a collection of essays etc. printed using

3.1. Corruption

3.1.1. Interview with Transparency International UK What is corruption? What are the main issues in the UK? What is needed to improve things nationally and globally?

3.1.2. Cultural or inexcusable

3.1.3. Short-sightedness leads to mistakes

3.2. Institutions

3.2.1. Who do they really represent/

3.2.2. Do they provide adequate/suitable leadership

3.2.3. Can they be trusted to make change happen?

3.3. Citizens

3.3.1. Do engineers know their place in society?

3.3.2. Do engineers want to be formally recognised or do they want to feel wanted and useful?

3.3.3. Are the public not always our client?

3.3.4. How can we interact better with society/

3.3.5. Are we always the experts or just facilitators?

3.3.6. What does better look like?

3.4. Imagine

3.4.1. The importance of history

3.4.2. Benefits of high specialisation The drawbacks of high specialisation Can't see the wood from the trees

3.4.3. Is there a limit on focus?

3.4.4. Do we want our bosses' jobs?

3.4.5. Do I feel valuable? Do I make a difference?

3.4.6. Do we really only work for money?

3.4.7. Fear in the workplace

3.5. The making of an engineer and citizen

3.5.1. Education One process for all?

3.5.2. Space to innovate

3.5.3. We're all different

3.5.4. In the office or in the world?

3.5.5. Keep true to what is valuable

4. Improved CPD/Chartership

4.1. Updated development objectives

4.1.1. Corruption awareness

4.1.2. Involvement in society

4.1.3. Modern IT skills, Web 2.0 etc

4.2. Personalise process

4.2.1. Digitise

4.2.2. Guidance related to job title

4.2.3. Gather advice from all levels

4.3. Develop online

4.3.1. Make mobile Record activities in real-time

4.3.2. Share with mentors

4.3.3. Quickly relate achievements with objectives

4.3.4. Attach background information