Computer Science

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Computer Science by Mind Map: Computer Science

1. Data Representation

1.1. Conversion & Addition

1.1.1. Binary is converted to denary numbers using a conversion table.

1.1.2. Binary Shift is the act of multiplying or dividing a binary number by a multiple of 2.

1.1.3. An overflow error is when a denary number exceeds the highest number in its binary set, e.g. 265 in 8 bit binary.

1.1.4. Addition 0 + 0 = 0 0 + 1 = 1 1 + 0 = 1 1 + 1 = 10 1 + 1 + 1 = 11

1.2. Hexadecimal

1.2.1. Hexadecimal is used as a shorter way to represent binary numbers

1.2.2. It uses 1-9, A-F

1.2.3. It is used mainly to represent colours in 8-bit colour depth. (255 red, 255 blue, 255 green)

1.3. Check-digit

1.3.1. Check digit is used to highlight corruption when transferring files.

1.3.2. It is also used to check if things like barcodes are legitimate/useable.

1.4. Binary

1.4.1. 8 bits = 1 byte

1.4.2. It is represented in 0's & 1's

1.4.3. Very reliable

1.4.4. 4 bits = a nibble

1.4.5. Very easy to represent as electrical signals (on & off)

2. Combining Gates

3. Computational Logic

3.1. Logic Gates

3.1.1. Boolean Notation -

3.1.2. ¬A = NOT

3.1.3. A•B = AND

3.1.4. A+B = OR