Central Characteristics of Active Learning

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Central Characteristics of Active Learning by Mind Map: Central Characteristics of Active Learning

1. High Order Thinking Skills

1.1. S.A.M.R Model

1.1.1. Substitution

1.1.2. Agumentation

1.1.3. Modification

1.1.4. Redefinition

2. Student Participation

2.1. Pay Attention

2.2. Remember

2.3. Understand

2.4. Apply

2.5. Analyze

2.6. Evaluate

2.7. Create

3. Instant Feedback

3.1. Teacher Response

3.2. Positive encouragement

3.3. Participation

4. Problem Based Learning

4.1. Problem Solving

4.2. Evaluation

5. Cooperative Learning

5.1. Class Discussion

5.2. Small Group Discussion

5.3. Reading and Writing

6. Simulations

6.1. Think-Pair-Share

6.2. Out Loud Reading

6.3. Interactive Modules