Input and Output Devices

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Input and Output Devices by Mind Map: Input and Output Devices

1. Definition of Output Devices: Are pieces of hardware that process data that is sent from a computer and translate in a readable format for viewing.

1.1. Examples of Output Devices: Monitors, Printers, Speakers, Projectors, Headphones, etc.

2. Hardware: Is any device that is used in or with the computer. Example of Hardware includes: Power supply cord, Printer, Modem, Hard drive, and Mouse.

2.1. Benefit of Incorporating a Hardware: Student and teachers are able to see the work that they have input into the computer in paper or visual form. Students are able to input information into the computer. Hardware enable students to use the computer for educational purposes.  Challenges of Incorporation a Hardware: Can be complicated to install. Takes time to update and can be costly.

3. Software: Is a collection of code installed devices that is added onto your computer. Example includes: Microsoft Office, Games, and Windows.

3.1. Benefits of Incorporating a Software: The benefit of incorporating a software is the fact that students have access to current information. Students will develop positive attitude towards technology and its usage in the classroom. Software can assist children who may have developmental delays get the best education. Challenges of Incorporating a Software: The challenge that is foreseen in adding a software into the classroom is expense. Software can be pricey and it must be affordable for the school. Compatibility is another challenge that might prevent the software from being included in the classroom.

4. Definition of Input Device: Is a piece of computer hardware that users use that allows them to communicate, feed, and process data in the computer for processing, displaying, storing, or transmission of information.

4.1. Examples of Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Modem, Flash drive, Scanners, Microphone etc.