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SEOptimize by Mind Map: SEOptimize

1. Popularity

2. Benefits

2.1. Free

2.2. Targetted

2.3. Traffic

3. Tools

3.1. Keyword Planner - Google(Free+AWESOME)

4. Crowdsource SEO Defination

5. Off-Page (Backlinks)

5.1. Inbound

5.2. Influencer

5.3. Gateway

5.4. Referring Blog

5.5. Social Links

5.6. Hyper

5.7. a reference to data that the reader can directly follow by clicking on link

5.8. Popularity Votes

6. Branding

7. Relevance

8. Keywords

8.1. Branding

8.2. Long-Tail Keyword

8.2.1. High Commercial Intent

8.2.2. Specific

8.2.3. Reviews

8.2.4. Buyer Intent

8.3. Short Tail Keywords

8.3.1. High Search/Traffic

9. On-Page- Website

9.1. URL- Domain Name

9.2. Title Tag

9.2.1. Very Important

9.2.2. First Tag

9.2.3. title tag is the main tag that you want to come up in a search

9.2.4. Unique Title Tag - For Each Page

9.2.5. 56 Characters

9.3. Meta Desc

9.3.1. Sentence that defines the best.

9.3.2. 20-30 Words

9.3.3. Great Place to explain

9.4. Buzz Words for Google

9.4.1. Bots

9.4.2. Spiders Simulator

9.4.3. Crawlers

9.5. Header Tags

9.5.1. H1

9.5.2. H2

9.6. Breadcrumbs

9.7. ALT = Image Tag

9.8. Robots.txt

9.9. Sitemap

9.9.1. Skeleton

9.9.2. Location Indicatior

9.9.3. Blueprint

9.9.4. Arrangement

9.9.5. Hireachy

9.9.6. Structure

9.9.7. XML Crawlers

9.9.8. HTML

9.9.9. Tools

9.9.10. Index-Tables Of Contents

10. Content/Copy

10.1. CIK

10.2. Valuable